ILSI Japan


Int'l Conf. on Nutrition and Aging 2019
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CHP Center for Health Promotion

Project PAN (Physical Activity and Nutrition)

The Physical Activity and Nutrition (Project PAN) works to promote healthier lifestyles among people in their prime or advanced years, seeking to increase physical activity and improve nutrition in innovative ways.

  Activity up-to-date
  Luncheon seminar was co-hosted at the 26th Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion

In the 26th Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion Academic Conference held at Waseda University (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo), a luncheon seminar "Elderly Health and Health Promotion" was held in collaboration with ILSI and Ajinomoto Co., Ltd.
First, Mr. Hisamine Kobayashi of Ajinomoto Co., Ltd. gave a lecture titled 'Protein, and amino acid intake' useful for prevention of Sarcopenia', in which he discussed the prevention of Sarcopenia and Locomotive Syndrome which affects the health of the elderly. Efficient muscle protein synthesis can be improved by ingesting essential amino acids high in leucine content (Amino L 40).
Next, a lecture titled "Practice of Health Promotion in Region" was given by Ms. Kimura of ILSI Japan. She introduced activities in the region focusing on health promotion. The seminar was successful with standing room only audiences and active discussions. (June 24, 2017)

  "Ishinomaki Take10! ®" A new team started at Ishinomaki Sensyu University.

After the Great East Japan Earthquake, while participating in Professor Yamazaki’s seminar in the Management Department of Ishinomaki Senshu University, ILSI began conducting 'Ishinomaki Take10!' classes, in which mainly students participated. It is its 3rd generation now, and the sense and style of the students are changing little by little. So we have decided to shift from activities focused exercise to food and nutrition.
Meanwhile, we received a request from a student volunteer team of reconstruction assistance in faculty of human studies established after the earthquake that they would like to work on Take101. So, in July 2017, we presented a lecture to them on Take10! Their activities started in November 2017 at meeting places in the temporary housing complexes.

  Poster presentation at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Public Health (Kagoshima)

We presented a poster presentation on the appropriateness of food intake frequency score in a long-term care prevention project - comparison with dietary variety score of food intake.
Dietary Variety Score of food intake (DVS) counts the amount of 10 food-groups consumed daily (a range from 0 to 10), and is used as an outcome measure of the Nursing Care Prevention Project, especially for nutrition improvement by local governments. However, we think that focusing on daily intake does not always reflect changes in the subject's eating habits. Therefore, we developed a new index the "Food Intake Frequency Score" (FFS) that is on a scale from 0 to 30 with changes in frequency. In this analysis, we confirmed that there is a high positive correlation between the Dietary Variety Score and f Food Intake Frequency Score (criterion-related validity). In addition, because the Food Intake Frequency Score can give more detailed information on dietary habits, it may be more useful in the Nursing Care Prevention Project. (November 1, 2017)

  The 13th year of "Sumida Take10!" was successfully implemented.

This year, we used 3 venues, including a new venue the Sumida Ward General Gymnasium, and held 8 courses (4 months). Since this project covers only the first participants, we also support the establishment of voluntary circles for those who have completed the course to continue Take10!. Six circles whose group names were made up of the name of the place or the origin of formation such as "YY Take10!", "Nadeshiko Take10!", "Tachibana Take10!", "Nanatsuboshi Take10!", "Sunflower Take10!", and "Sky Take10!" have been formed so far. (November 29, 2017)


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  Achievements to date
  The first intervention study was conducted with 1,418 elderly in Nangai village, Akita Prefecture from July 2002 for one year. This study showed that TAKE10!® for the elderly can effectively be introduced to local communities and can improve regular physical exercise practices and dieting habits, maintain muscle strength and improve physiological functions. The result of the study was reported at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health in 2004. Three national newspapers and eight local newspapers covered the study. More than 9,000 inquiries have been received, including inquiries from local government offices and organizations, and more than 25,000 copies of the booklets have been sold. DVD and cooking booklets (both in Japanese only) also can be available from the TAKE10!® website, The "Sumida TAKE10!®" program was started by Sumida Ward Government of Tokyo in October 2005, and more than 1,100 elderly people have taken part in the program over eleven years. The program was conducted at four to six sites and included lecture sessions on the program and physical exercise practices. This is also designed as an intervention study and the results have consistently been reported at the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health. Particularly, the results of the 2005 Sumida TAKE10!® intervention study was published in the international journal "BMC Geriatrics". Having receiving mandates from local governments all over Japan, social welfare councils, Silver Human Resources Centers, and some volunteer groups, we have trained TAKE10!® peer leaders and supporters. TAKE10!® programs are continuously being implemented in many regions around Japan.
Intervention studies using the TAKE10!® handbook
  Community-based intervention study 【Akita】 (2002-2003)
Partner: Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology

An intervention study was conducted using 1,400 elderly recidents of Nangai village, Akita Prefecture for one year starting in July 2002. The study proved that TAKE10!® for the elderly can effectively be introduced to local communities and can improve regular physical exercise practices and dietary habits, maintain muscle strength and improve physiological functions. The result of the study was reported at the Annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Public Health in November 2004. Three national newspapers and eight local newspapers covered the study. More than 10,000 inquiries have been received, including inquiries from local government offices and organizations, and more than 25,000 copies of the handbooks have been sold. Many lecture sessions by ILSI Japan CHP have been conducted. Lectures have also been given in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aomori, Yamagata, Nagano, Gifu, Aichi, and Fukuoka.

The summary is available in English (1).

Sumida TAKE10!® 【Tokyo】 (2005-2006, the first year)
Partner: The Sumida Ward Office

A cross over study was conducted with 170 elderly people to evaluate the effect of the Sumida TAKE10!® program. The program began with a seminar "Nutrition for the Elderly" and then the participants learned proper dietary habits and exercise using the TAKE10!® handbook in a series of training sessions (5) organized every two weeks. As a result, dietary variety scores increased significantly and physical exercise habits improved (2). Furthermore, we found that physical exercise habits were sustained even at six months and one year following completion of the program (3).

TAKE10!® for correspondence model 【Hokkaido】 (2008)
Partner: Sapporo Medical University

In December 2008, ILSI Japan CHP and Sapporo Medical University, Hokkaido undertook a joint study to verify the effectiveness of the correspondence version of the "TAKE10!® Program". As it is quite difficult for the elderly in rural areas or areas with heavy snow-fall to meet together and participate in health promotion programs, the development of alternative methods is necessary. About 130 elderly participants over 70-years-old from 3 districts (Toyako-cho, Makkari-village and Hidaka-cho) participated in this study. Results of this study related to physical exercise showed significant improvements in "normal walking speed" and in the "timed up & go test" among participants who frequently engage in physical exercise (4). Results related to dietary habits found significant improvements in the frequencies of intake of foods from the 10 main food groups in the Japanese diet (5).
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Long-Term elder care prevention project commissioned by local governments

Sumida TAKE10!® 【Tokyo】 (2005-2006, the eighth year)
Partner: The Sumida Ward Office

Since October 2005, a program to reduce nursing care called, Sumida TAKE10!®, has been implemented for elderly in general and elderly certified by the secondary prevention program in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. Every year, ILSI Japan CHP holds a seminar called "Nutrition for the Elderly" and 30 training sessions (five training sessions at six sites) using the TAKE10!® handbook. Under this program, ILSI Japan CHP staff provide direct guidance to the participants at each site. The training sessions consist of explanations on how to use the TAKE10!® check sheet (frequencies of main 10 food groups in Japanese diet), and instruction on exercise habits and oral care. Furthermore, since 2007, we have also organized follow-up classes for elderly who have completed the basic classes. Each year, TAKE10!® classes gather more than 100 elderly for the main classes and more than 200 elderly for the follow-up classes, with a total of more than 900 elderly participating in the classes. We evaluated the effectiveness of this program using a questionnaire survey as well as before and after physical fitness measurements. The results show improvements in dietary habits, exercise habits and physical strength. We also observed a secondary effects, such as improved social interaction.
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Training of TAKE10!® peer-leaders

In order to respond to more requests from local governments, ILSI Japan is developing another TAKE10!® model utilizing local government personnel and voluntary groups consisting of local residents.
Tsuwano TAKE10!® 【Shimane】 (2007〜 on-going)

Partner: Tsuwano Town Silver Human Resource Center

In connection with a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare promoted care service volunteer system, Tsuwano Town asked ILSI Japan CHP to conduct a TAKE10!® peer-leaders training program for "nursing care prevention" for members of the Tsuwano Town Silver Human Resource Center. As a result of this training, twenty three members qualified to be "TAKE10!® peer-leaders" who will start local health care classes using the "TAKE10!®" handbook. Tsuwano TAKE10!® is expected to be one of the models used for promoting the TAKE10!® program.

Masuda TAKE10!® 【Shimane】 (2008〜 on-going)
Partner: Mashuda City Silver Human Resource Center

Since 2008, ILSI Japan CHP has accepted a commission from the City of Masuda to provide a "TAKE10!® peer-leaders training program" for "Masuda Silver Human Resource Center" members. Consequently, fifteen new "TAKE10!® peer-leaders" were born. Recently, "TAKE10!® peer-leaders" has held more than eighty nursing care prevention classes in local communities at the request of local community organizations. We expect that utilizing local, active elderly people as human resources for nursing care prevention can be an effective model for improving health in an aging society.

Nishiki TAKE10!® 【Yamaguchi】 (2010〜 on-going)

Partner: Iwakuni City Council of Social Welfare

ILSI CHP Japan undertook a "TAKE10!® peer-leaders training program" sponsored by the Iwakuni City Council of Social Welfare and is conducting it in Nishiki-cho, Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Twenty-three people who will be in charge of local initiatives for nursing care prevention have qualified as "TAKE10!® peer-leaders". As this group of people includes social workers and welfare workers who are most familiar with and responsible for elderly people living alone in local communities, great results can be expected from future community-based services and activities initiated by them.

Edogawa TAKE10!® 【Tokyo】 (2011〜 on-going)

Partner: The Non Profit Organization "kokuminnkennkoukaigi"

ILSI Japan was commissioned by kokuminnkennkoukaigi to organize a "TAKE10!® peer-leaders training program" for elderly people who completed the lectures on nursing care prevention in Edogawa-Sougou-Jinsei-Daigaku. Consequently, nine qualified as "TAKE10!® peer-leaders".

Development of a TAKE10!® peer-leaders instruction package

ILSI Japan CHP developed a manual package for leaders of local authorities and TAKE10!® peer-leaders in order to smoothly organize TAKE10!® classes using the TAKE10!® handbook. The package contains a leaders manual, a DVD for exercise, reference materials, food package samples, posters and a TAKE10!® handbook.
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Promotion of TAKE10!® in collaboration with universities and institutions
Senboku Newtown Project 【Osaka】 (2011〜 on-going)
Partner: Graduate School of Human Life Science, Osaka City University

With the aim of regenerating the community so that people can live healthier and more comfortable lives, a "Senboku Hottokenai Network" was organized to utilize community human and material resources. For example, the plan includes meal delivery services by elderly people, restaurants operated by people with disabilities, operation of shared facilities that utilize vacant stores, operation of reformed prefecture housing with elderly support. ILSI Japan CHP considers TAKE10!® to be a useful tool for the "Diet and Health Support Program", and organized TAKE10!® classes. In support of this program, Prof. Aoki, Graduate School of Human Life Science, Osaka City University is investigating the effect of a nursing care prevention program which includes meals prepared at shared facilities and TAKE10!® exercise.

"TAKE10!® for the Elderly" in Vietnam 【Vietnam】 (2011〜 on-going)

Partner: National Institute of Nutrition, Vietnam
Vietnam Public Health Association (VPHA)

Although Vietnam has only just entered an era of societal aging, it is predicted that Vietnamese society will age even more rapidly than Japanese society. Therefore, they are considering measures to take early action, which include drawing on Japanese experiences. ILSI Japan CHP assists the VPHA in developing a Vietnamese version of TAKE10!®.

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Promotion of TAKE10!® program through publications and seminars
› Purchase "TAKE10!® handbook"(Only in Japanese)

› Access to "TAKE10!® Website" (Only in Japanese)

"TAKE10!® Easy Cooking for the Elderly" (Only in Japanese)      

 As part of the TAKE10!® Program, we prepared our cookbook by focusing on the following points: 1) large font printing, 2) inclusion of many photographs to visually display recipes, and 3) efforts to encourage people to try cooking new dishes. (We appreciate the research grant from J-Milk and the technical support of the professors and the cooking laboratory of the Tokyo Dietitian Academy.)

  "TAKE 10!® DVD Basics and Advanced (Only in Japanese)

  This DVD offers a basic understanding of TAKE10!® by explaining the dietary habits recommended in the TAKE10!® Program. It also offers new physical activities for use as entertainment for those who have been practicing TAKE10!® for several years already. This DVD is suitable not only to be watched in the home, but also by groups such as gatherings of neighborhood elderly groups, public welfare service organized exercise classes at community centers, or health care programs in nursing homes. ("TAKE10!® DVD Advanced" was sponsored in part by Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd., 2009)

Seminars (2011)
Sumida ward, Tokyo
Setagaya ward, Tokyo
Setagaya ward, Tokyo
Edogawa-Sougou-Jinsei-Daigaku, Tokyo
Sumida ward, Tokyo
Conference presentations (2011)
The Japanese Society of Public Health Annual Meeting, Akita
Seminars (2010)
Sumida ward, Tokyo
Edogawa-Sougou-Jinsei-Daigaku, Tokyo
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics Symposium, Tokyo
Shinagawa ward, Tokyo
Edogawa-Sougou-Jinsei-Daigaku, Tokyo
Conference presentations (2010)
The Japanese Society of Public Health Annual Meeting, Tokyo
Newspapers, magazines, TV (2010)
NHK TV program, "Tameshite Gatten"
The Daily Yomiuri
The Nikkei Weekly
NHK TV program Morning News
Magazine NHK "Tameshite Gatten"
Magazine Momo
Magazine Healthcare restaurant
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  Shu Kumagai, Community-directed Intervention Trial to Prevent Disabilities with  Advancing Aging for the Functionally Competent Community-living Senior Citizens - Effects of TAKE10!® Program Comprised Exercise and Nutrition on the Muscle Strength and Nutritional Status, ILSI No.81, 2005.
  Kimura et. al., Poster presentation, Japanese Society of Public Health Annual Meeting, Toyama, October 2006.
  Kimura et. al, Poster presentation, Japanese Society of Public Health Annual Meeting, Fukuoka, October 2008.
  Furuna et. al, The influence of frequency of intervention via mail on physical and social function - Examination in community-dwelling older adults living in rural are of northern Japan, Journal of Society for Applied Gerontology - Japan, Vol 5 (1), 2011.
  Kimura et. al, Poster presentation, Japanese Society of Public Health Annual Meeting, Tokyo, October 2010.

  Donors and supporting organizations (Alphabetic order)
  The programs of ILSI CHP Japan have been supported by donations from the public and private sector. ILSI CHP Japan very much appreciates the generous contributions.

Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Kao Corporation
Suntory Holdings Limited
J-milk (Japan Dairy Association)
Nichirei Corporation
Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd.
Nestle Japan Ltd.
Meiji Co., Ltd.

  Scientific advisors

Prof. Shuichi Kimura, Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Prof. Shu Kumagai, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Human Arts and Sciences
Dr. Takao Suzuki, Director, Research Institute,
National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Prof. Taketo Furuna, Department of Physical Therapy,
School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University


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(July 2018)

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